Android 13 will take the users permission before posting the app notification. This new feature has been added to the second 'Developer Preview' version of the upcoming operating system.
Google released the second 'developer preview' of Android 13 on Thursday. In a blog post about the developer previews new feature, Dave Burke, vice president of Android engineering at Google, said that, "Apps on Android 13 need to have permission from users to give notifications before posting notifications.”
A similar feature has been introduced on iOS devices for several years. This time, the presence of the feature on the Android platform is also being seen from a positive point of view. The feature will only be an effective way to get notifications of scheduled apps by avoiding unwanted notifications. Android 13 will enable down grading of previously given runtime permissions in apps that are no more required.
In the second version of Android 13, the new feature is also 'Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Audio' capability. 'Bluetooth LE Audio' is a new standard of Bluetooth technology that can send better quality audio signals at a lower bitrate. This technology uses the 'Low Complexity Communication Codec (LC3)' audio codec. According to the report of The Verge, this technology will reduce the battery cost of the device.
Google is expected to launch a beta version of Android 13 in April, which may be a better time to take part if you are interested and this seems like a safe bet. In case, you do not have to wait so long to safely test innovation.